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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fool's Gold Radio - June 2012 Mix

Tracklist after the jump: 

Mark Farina Booted from DJ Booth By Management

When a large venue pays you a boat load of money and books you to come play a HOUSE promoted event at their club, you'd expect them to be all about you being there.  However, Mark Farina can't say the same for Marquee Day club.

Last Saturday Mark Farina booted from the decks, literally.  Management informed him that he played "too much house" for the crowd.  Marquee then replaced Mark with another DJ who performed a generic set.

It was a crazy move that you rarely read about, but it happened.  It was embarrassing for the artist and the outpouring support makes the whole situation uncomfortable.

When Mark Farina sounded off on his twitter non other then the controversial DJ Sneak offered up his advice.  Unfortunately Mark was unable to make things happen because the "Bottle Service" was complaining too much.

Bottle service people have to be the worst people in a nightclub. Just a bunch of doofus' that think they can do anything in the nightclub because they are pissing away $1500+ dollars.  you know those assholes that smoke in boston nightclubs even tho its illegal?  Newsflash...

Morgan Page - In The Air - Episode 102


Tracklisting after the JUMP:

Pierce Fulton Radio Show - Get Weird Episode 1

The young gun slinger, Pierce Fulton, is no longer an up and comer producer/DJ, as he has hit full stride on the EDM circuit.  This is evidenced by non other then Tiesto's recognition of Pierce.  Tiesto didn't just recognize him with a shoutout or inclusion of his songs in his sets.  Instead Tiesto has extended him a Pierce Fulton radio show on Tiesto's own SiruiusXM radio Network Tiesto Club Life Radio.

Pierce Fulton radio show "Get Weird" will be aired monthly on SiriusXM and will feature Pierce's favorites, his originals and remixes, and highlight other noteworthy tracks.  Oh yea did we mention, he's going to be "Getting Weird"???

Tracklisting after the JUMP:

Christwire Condemns EDC

You gotta love the people over at christwire because we don't know anyone in their mother that could ever create or make up these sensational lies.  They have recently come out to drum up support for EDC, oops we ment condem EDC.  In this article you can read about EDC, aka Ecstasy Daily Carnalval, or about the ridiculous amount of drug fueled sex taking place, or you could just go to the carnival and be let down by the truth lol.  Oh yea there is gonna be a knife party at the festival this year, please dress approriately to deflect sharp blades...blades of WOMP.

If you find this entertaining check out the article they reported on skrillex here
( alt="christwire condemns edc")  As some of you may have heard, the homorave community will be holding their annual caucus in Sin City this June. “EDC”, Ecstasy Daily Carnalval, is a glow-in-the-dark freak show that young drug addicts and worshippers of Satan attend annually to cover themselves with others’ bodily fluids and crystal methamphetamines. Children as young as 10 are allowed to attend EDC where it is common to trick them into accepting beads for mouth sex acts. Ravers perform ‘light shows’ on hallucinating girls to induce ‘trips’ before dragging them off to a portable bathroom to be group molested. But rape isn’t the worst thing that happens at EDC every year. Many American sons’ and daughters’ lives are claimed each year at EDC. Here are the ways their souls will be eternally forfeited to the Devil.

A group of 7th graders at EDC, beads and open mouths signifying their oral willingness.
How the Younglings Will Perish
Knife Parties
It says right here on the EDC activities lineup, right after they ‘kill the noise’, the first ever EDC knife party will be held. Being a follower of Jesus Christ, I have never been to a dubstep show, but I have seen them flailing all over each other after the ‘drop’ on Youtube. Now imagine if they were all holding knives. The crowd will no doubt turn into a sadistic flesh blender, where the weak will be stabbed repeatedly as offerings to Satan himself.
Not the kind of party your kids were expecting? Too bad. They’ll still be stabbed to death.
Gang Shootings
After doing some research, it appears that EDC is also a meet-up venue for underground crime. Last year, the Swedish House Mafia was reported to have attended the festival. On this year’s guest list is feared Puerto Rican drug ring, the Felix Cartel, who will be brokering some sort of ecstasy syndicate with EDC and ‘collecting’ on past debts. With more minorities packing heat than a hot tamale factory, there will no doubt be many ghetto-style shoot outs with young children caught in the cross fire.
Drug Overdoses
Teens are pressured into snorting drugs and submitting themselves for skin sin for hours, dehydrating them of everything but filth and shame. Because the only fluids they have been ingesting for the 3 days of EDC have been DNA and malt liquor, it is common for teens to collapse in the midst of the pulsing crowd, their last thought before death being “how did it all go so terribly wrong?”
Trampled to Death
While EDC is full of ‘performers’ I have never heard of in all my life, there are some that I know will cause hysterical adolescents to crush each others’ faces just to get a good look at them. For example, last year when Moby made his appearance, the death toll was in the thousands. This year the Blue Man Group, one of the hottest acts in dubstep music, will enduce waves of pandemonium in young fans and trampling will ensue. Ravers will also be clawing at each other tooth-and-nail to get some of the ecstasy that will be showered over the crowd from on-stage cannons.
Yes, there will be blood.
Deep, Unrelenting Depression
For the handful of misguided youth that manage to survive the weekend, what awaits them is a fate worse than death. After a weekend of over-stimulation and STD contraction, they will return to a bleak existence, devoid of God’s love. Some will return to their minimum wage jobs to supports their ecstasy addiction, while others will steal money from their hard-working parents to purchase their next EDC tickets, desperate for something to look forward to. Most will sit in the shower and sob before ending it all.