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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What is all this noise about CISPA?

By Justin:

what is cispa?If you frequent any social media site, I am sure that by now you have heard about something called CISPA. Everyone is ranting and raving about this new Cyber Security Bill that is swirling around in Congress.

What is CISPA?

"CISPA stands for The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, a network and Internet security bill written by Representive Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) (H.R. 624). The bill purports to allow companies and the federal government to share information to prevent or defend against network and other Internet attacks. However, the bill grants broad new powers, allowing companies to identify and obtain “threat information” by looking at your private information.

The bill is written so broadly that it allows companies to hand over large swaths of personal information to the government with no judicial oversight—effectively creating a “cybersecurity” loophole in all existing privacy laws."

Companies such as Google, Microsoft and AT&T have all openly endorsed the bill because if passed, it will alleviate all responsibility of protecting personal privacy rights from whoever visits their sites.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has kindly provided some FAQ information about CISPA More on CISPA here!

What Do You think About CISPA? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter

A couple of your favorite DJs such as Dillon Francis and Bassnectar have expressed their disdain for the act and I am sure there will be more to come:

CISPA dillon francis

Laidback Luke & Hardwell - Dynamo (Official Video)

Diplo, DJ BL3ND Fued: Buying Fame - The Complete Story

By Kyle:

As the EDM world grows more and more by the day, artists are finding different ways to make their music known, and become popular on social media.  However, last week, an up and coming artist by the name of DJ Bl3nd made a bold move in order to gain fame.  BL3ND’s actions offended several well known artists, including Diplo and Deadmau5.

Overnight, the amount of likes for this “DJ” skyrocketed to over 3,000,000.  That is more Facebook likes that Bassnectar, Pretty Lights, Above and Beyond, and Diplo all put together.  Seems a little fishy doesn't it?

This is not the first time DJ Bl3nd has been accused of this either.  With several million views on his youtube “mixes,” yet nowhere near as many fans, people and artists across the communtity are understandably upset.

dj bl3nd buys facebook likes Last week, well known artist, Diplo, took this annoyance to another level and called DJ Bl3nd out.  At the IMS Engage Social Media Panel, Diplo made comments referring to the purchase of Facebook likes by DJ Bl3nds management.  These comments were not taken lightly and resulted in Steven Haddad, DJ Bl3nd’s manager, screaming from the audience.  This retaliation by the DJ Bl3nd management then angered Diplo’s manager, Kevis Kusatsu, who forcefully told Haddad to shut up.  At the conclusion of the panel, the heated argument escalated leading to a brawl between management staff, pictured below.  

The fued between Bl3nd and Diplo spilled over to Twitter after the event, with other artists such as Deadmau5 chiming in.
buy facebook likes

diplo facebook likes

Deadmau5 text to Diplo:
deadmau5 Bl3nd facebook likes

DJ Bl3nd funny response:
DJ Bl3nd Likes

This alleged purchase of Facebook likes angers me as an EDM fan.  However, without forensic analytics we don't know if Bl3nd is truly purchasing likes or simply dominating the social media game.  Nevertheless, if he or other artists are purchasing "Likes" it is unfair to artists who have worked hard for years to acieve the fans that they have today. Don’t buy your fame to get your name out there.  

Diplo has since apologized for his actions, but DJ Bl3ND is sticking to his guns and claiming that he has never purchased Facebook likes.  DJ Bl3ND's fan-base  known as "Blenders" strongly back BL3ND up, claiming that he is becoming one of the BEST in the business   Either way, 3,000,000 likes overnight, raises some eyebrows, for both praise and questioning.

What do you think - Is Bl3nd purchasing Likes on Facebook?
Do Artist with High Facebook Likes Get Your Attention?