By Adam:
It's almost Halloween, and to go hand-in-hand with our recent
article about costumes, here are some for the guys to make a joke about some of the biggest stereotypes in the scene today.
5. The Bro
Looks like some fresh party is coming up brah! Roll up with your crew decked out in some fresh Sperry's, a neon tank (or better, a white one covered in Dayglow paint), big shades and a trucker hat and you're good to go. Make sure you fist pump that wobbly drop and don't let go of the "Avicii Fan" closest to your hips!
4. The Amateur DJ

For the DJ, a few key pieces are needed. First, a dark tight tee shirt and skinny jeans will work. Next, add a chunky necklace from something besides a gold chain. Add some big sunglasses, spike the hair. Grab a pair of earmuffs to fake as headphones. Be sure to check them in between playing the air piano, and don't forget to throw your arms out to the sides after drops.
3. The Solveig
Grab a polo and a windbreaker and zip them all the way up. Next, find a nice chunky sweatband and wrap that around your sidepart. A matching helmet could work, but the other key accessory is a tennis racket. With a "Hello, My Name Is..." sticker, all the girls are gonna want to spend the night out.
2. The Deadmau5
Honestly, this
guide is pretty useful for making this costume work. Once equipped with said mousehead, a few things can really pull this together. First off, being skinny would help. Grab an ironic tee, jeans, and throw on some video-gamed themed tattoos. For bonus points, grab yourself a black & white cat, but please don't bring him out.
1. The Skrillex
All the celebs are
being Skrillex, and so can you! 3 things are needed: black rimmed lensless glasses, a gauge, and long hair thrown over your half shaved head. Toss on some Beats and a black tee, and you're ready to wobwob with the finest!
Have a happy halloween in whatever EDM costume you choose.