Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Morgan Page Review || EDMBoston || The Estate

The Estate provides an intimate experience for club-goers in Boston, especially when they are hosting a big event. The dance area isn’t as colossal as some of the larger clubs in Boston.  However, what Estate lacks in size it provides in uniqueness and experience.  Surrounding the dance floor are VIP tables and platforms of different heights, that offer ravers, and fans alike, different vantage points to take in the sights and sounds.  In addition, the Estate has a mezzanine perimeter balcony, featuring more VIP tables and free standing space to look on below.  Perfect for what was going to ensue Friday December 9.  That’s because Morgan Page was performing for a packed house for his first large show in Boston in over 10 years.

Being the biggest show in Boston, EDMBoston had to go take in the sites and sounds to let the fans know what went down.  We weren’t sure exactly what to expect, as we’d never heard Page’s full sets, other then his recent Ustream show.

We can say with certainty, after his performance, that we are proud to call Mr. Morgan Page a fellow New Englander.

He started the night off with humble beginnings.  That’s right he came out and setup his own equipment after the opener DJ.  We were surprised.  However he didn’t take long to start at all.  He came out of the gate with “Here we go” and go was looped into a massive build up drop, of LEVELS. Morgan Page let us know we were gonna have ourselves a solid rave.  The crowd in turn reciprocated with a “duh duh duh duh dan duhh”  Morgan didn’t let up from their either.  His first three songs were massive bangers.  Levels, Calling, and Seek Bromance.  Seek Bromance was a remix that featured a dirty electro centric beat that stirred the crowd into a dumb founded craze.  The EDM Boston team asked “Is this happening in boston right now??”