Monday, December 19, 2011

Nero gives dubstep pop appeal at Royale || Boston Globe Article

(Globe) In the evolution of any sub-genre, as it lurches, protozoa-like, from the fetid puddles of cool onto the mainstream shore, it must inevitably assume some characteristics of pop. This is when the early adopters curse the cruel hand of musical Darwinism, and promptly abscond. For dubstep - that most emblematic cultural expression of contemporary youth - this moment has passed. As dubstep ambassadors to the pop arena go, you could do a lot worse than UK duo Nero; and a sold-out DJ set by Nero’s Joe Ray at Royale on Thursday illustrated that the transition process was in able hands.
Bouncing around in front of his knobs in whatever sort of conjuring-sleight it is that DJs do, Ray led the crowd through a set that leaned heavily on the duo’s recent apocalypse-themed record “Welcome Reality’’ - although the show may have only seemed like the end of the world to the parents of a clubbing teenager. 

I don't even know where to begin with this Globe piece.  Partly due to the fact Royale shut EDMBoston out and then there's credibility issues with the Globe reporting on a Dubstep show.  We're baffled.

The goal of EDMBoston is to build the EDM community in the Bay State and new England.  This means keeping everyone informed and well educated on whats happening in the EDM community.  And we intend to do just that.  Here is some raw footage from the Royale Show of Nero "Promises"

If anyone else has any footage they'd like to share, send it in and well give you a shout out