Tuesday, December 20, 2011


(mixmag) - In last year's Mixmag Drug Survey, we compared the use of drugs in the UK to the USA, and found that both countries differ substantially, apart from the use of ecstasy.
Significantly larger proportions of respondents in the USA had used all forms of cannabis (including spice and other synthetic cannabinoids), hallucinogens (including LSD and magic mushrooms) and Ritalin. Only 19% of UK respondents had smoked cannabis (resin) in the last month, in comparison to 41% in the USA.
Although cannabis was more popular in the USA, significantly higher proportions in the UK reported recent use of almost every other drug investigated excluding ecstasy. Ecstasy is the only drug that respondents in the USA and the UK are taking the exact same amount of, with 41% taking ecstasy in the last month in both countries.
This year's Mixmag Drug Survey finishes tomorrow, Wednesday December 21. It is the largest survey of its kind and aims to give a clear picture of recreational drug use around the world. If you wish to take the survey click here. You can also check the full results from last year's drug survey here.