Thursday, December 22, 2011

UMEK - Falling Up The Stairs [Free Download]

DJ UMEK on the Holidays:

Everybody is already in their holiday mode, while we DJs prepare for the most intense working period in the year. For this NYE I have two gigs, so there will be no countdown for me, except the countdown of the time to go to sleep.

I'll take some time off after new year, so don't expect to see me anywhere near a dancefloor in January (well except for 2 gigs in a ski-resort – don't worry you'll find out more soon enough)! I'll go snowboarding somewhere to the mountains with my friends and then relax at home, see a few seasons of Stargate and hang out in my hometown of Ljubljana. Usually people go out of the country for holidays, while with DJs it's exactly vise versa – our »office« are airports and airplanes and our favorite holiday resort is a warm homey living room.

Since it's nice to remember the fans and give you guys a Christmas present, I made a track that I gave away for free. So get it here while it's still hot.