Monday, January 9, 2012


(mixmagAvicii has announced he is going to donate a fat $1 million to the charity Feeding America, the largest hunger-relief organisation in the US.

He will be funding the big seven digit donation with proceeds from his 26-stop American tour, the aptly titled ‘House for Hunger’ tour. The tour features 26 concerts in 27 days, beginning Thursday January 5 in Detroit.

He said: “Hunger hits everywhere and the U.S. is not immune to it. For me personally, when I found out how widespread the hunger problem in the United States actually was, it blew my mind. I never would have imagined that 1 in 6 people in America struggle with hunger or that 1 in 4 children routinely do not get enough to eat.”

The donation will help provide approximately 8 million meals to those in need through Feeding America.