Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fake DJ vs Real DJ -- Vinyl vs Controller -- How to be a DJ - How not to be a prick

EDMBoston feels the issue of Vinyl vs Controller DJ's has reached the boiling point.

As the gentlemen points out in this video, the competition between the two sides has to be one of the largest turnoffs in the genre. We couldn't agree more, that the EDM movement is all about getting everyone together in the name of EDM.  Not bitching and moaning about who sold out or how talented an individual is.  Yes its great to admire a certain DJ or artist for their superior skills.  However, it doesn't matter at the end of the day.  What does is the genre's esteem in the music industry.

Dance music hasn't become massive because some jackass turntablist got to spin on the radio or someone using a traktor controller in the club.  No it was the underground movement that propelled the likes of avicii and skrillex onto the main stage.  It was also the massive growth of festivals such as Coachella, EDC LA/LV, and Ultra Festival that made these artists household names.  More importantly, it was the takeover of college campuses that made EDM a household name again.

So we ask anyone that is a violent youtube commenter, or a sub genre cult follower, to get off your horse and start loving music again. Nough with the hate!