Monday, January 30, 2012

Nadia Ali Apologizes for...

Nadia Ali has come out to explain the reason for the frequent short length of her shows.  As we know, artists often have little to do with the scheduling of a performance.  Rather they show up, kinda decide when to go on stage, and then finish up when they are told to.  All of this is dictated by contracts and big business...which is unfortunate but the nature of the business.

Nadia apologizes for the poor logistics and thanks everyone for staying loyal to her following.  Her words are as follows:

"I wanted to thank the thousands of fans that have attended my shows recently. Some that have been attending for years and remain loyal fans. 

Regretfully, it has been brought to my attention that some fans have been dissapointed with the length of time I am on stage performing and I wanted to take this opportunity to shed some light on this subject. When I am booked to perform at a show, my management is not the one that decides how long I will perform for. The organizers of the shows are the ones that specify how long they want me to perform and also what time my show is to begin. Many organizers feel that because my shows are almost always taking place in a nightclub environment, they feel that I should not be on stage for more than 20 minutes because of the logistical set up. Sometimes I get lucky and can do longer shows of about 50-60 minutes. However, when I am given a limited time frame of 20 minutes on stage for example, I have to make the difficult choice of choosing the most popular songs to perform during that time frame. 

It is sad to me when fans hold it against me that I did not sing long enough when I have very little control over this. 

Please know that when you attend my shows, they are not intended to be a conventional concert like those of a pop artist. Though I have recorded and released over 50 songs in my 11 year long career, unfortunately, I don't always have the choice to sing that many songs. 

Thanks to all of my fans that have taken a moment to read this and may better understand this concern.

Love, Nadia"