Monday, February 13, 2012

christwire "Skrillex Uses Satanic and Homosexual Influence to Win Grammys"

This article is nothing more then pure comedy.  At first we thought we were reading The Onion but then we realized, nope this is another nutso post from extremist group christwire.  The picture below with caption is the icing on the cake...goddam wack jobs

"Skrillex, a Gothic icon and Lesbian fashionista whose name is Latin for “Homosexual Satan Wasp”, is the biggest act in Dubstep today — a music genre founded on consuming massive amounts of drugs and having raucous pre-marital sex with numerous partners — and his winnings at the 2012 Grammys prove that his satanic presence will be felt for years to come. As long as Skrillex wins Grammys and is accepted by mainstream media, he will claim souls for Satan and molest our children through his perverse philosophy of futuristic devil machine music.

Skrillex is the inventor of “dubstep” whose sole purpose is to provide a “drop” — common youth terminology for procuring and snorting drugs. In addition, the rhythm patterns he employs in his “music” are known to cause seizures to certain people, which provides ample opportunity for other concert-goers to rape said afflicted person(s)."

(Skrillex, shown here drinking “ecstasy”, in particular the potent “X3″ version)