Thursday, February 23, 2012


Say what you will about Howard Stern, but his voice dominates the radio, SiriusXM radio that is.  Throughout his career he has always stirred the pot, whether right, wrong or indifferent.

Well Howard Stern decided to enter into the relm of EDM, when he decided to rip on deadmau5 and David Guetta.  In the 3 minutes below you can hear him Rip on Deadmau5 and David Guetta's Grammy performances.  "I would never have the balls to have a career like that. Like if I went out and played an ipod and just went out and scratched my ipod, I just think people would lynch me."

Take a second and swallow that.

Here's what we think. He's right.  These mini mix performances that Guetta is doing on TV shows such as Ellen or The Grammys make the EDM Producers/DJs and EDM community, at large, look AWFUL.  It literally looks worse then Ashley Simpson getting caught lip synching in your face at on SNL.
EDMBoston sounded off on Guetta during the Grammys.  We said, that Guetta needs to make a mini mashup performance for live events under 3 minutes.  Because it's very apparent him and Deadmau5 both stood there and didn't do anything.  In fact, we doubt they even hit play on their CDJ or Ableton controller.

Deadmau5 and David Guetta are both extremely talented producers.  They should be recognized and applauded for it.  No matter how mainstream you think their tunes are.  However, they work their best magic in long sets where they have the opportunity to grasp the audience and pull them through an EDM obstacle course of Emotion, that we all have come to love.

What do you guys think?? Let us know on Twitter @EDMBoston or Facebook

“The thing that really upsets me is…That guy who wears a mouse head and plays techno music…FLATER-MOUSE”

“A weird thing in music going on right now, guys who stand there and play, like, records”

“And all he does is spin a record?!”
“All these other assholes in the audience who have a mouse head on their head scare me more than the guy playing the records because at least the guy playing the records has a career….Dildo heads”

“David Gwetta”

“He stands in front of a turntable, and raises his arms every once in a while”

“Hey asshole, that’s not how you spell mouse!”

"I would never have the balls to have a career like that. Like if I went out and played an ipod and just went out and scratched my ipod, I just think people would lynch me."

“You would change your name too, nothing cool about Joel Zimmerman”

“But Moby writes songs!”