Monday, February 6, 2012

Skrillex Drops the Bass in Manhattan


(rollingstone)"There is a lot to recommend about a Skrillex show: Sonny Moore's pure rock charisma, an exceptionally well-designed light show, the raw enthusiasm of the dance-happy fans. But the main attractions are the drops, in which the dubstep star hits the crowd with a heavy, plunging bass line accompanied by wild, stuttering beats. Skrillex didn't invent the drop – it's been a convention of dubstep and electronic dance music for years – but he's a virtuoso of the style, and the man most likely to bring the sound fully into the mainstream. (Britney Spears gets credit as the first pop star to include a drop in a major hit, with her smash "Hold it Against Me" last year.) "

If you've never heard a drop, it sounds like this: 

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