Monday, March 19, 2012

EDMBoston Tiesto Giveaway Celebration - EDMBoston Breaks 3,000 & 200 followers

It was 9 short months ago that EDMBoston launched.  Since that time, we've brought our followers in-depth reviews, exclusive in the booth artist videos, the newest of new music, and fresh podcasts.  All while putting an emphasis and focus on Boston.  It's been a lot of fun putting together a resource for the Boston EDM community to rally around.  It also has been an extreme amount of hard work.  There's been nights coming home from our full time jobs that the team was completely burnt out.  However, the followers amazing energy & support kept us going.


To show our appreciation, we are giving out 2 tickets to the Tiesto show at Mohegan Sun this Saturday March 24th.

To win you must:

1. Follow EDMBoston on either facebook or twitter.
2. Submit on EDMBoston's Facebok wall or tweet us a photo of YOU doing your best Tiesto Pose Down with an sign in the picture.
3. Include this sentence in your tweet/facebook post
"Help me Win @EDMBoston Tiesto Mohegan Sun Ticket Giveaway. Share/RT MY PIC #EDMBoston"

The person with the combination of most creative picture and most retweets or shares will win.  Entries will be accepted through Thursday 9pm.  Winner to be announced at 10 PM on Thursday, (pending Max gets out of work on time).

Scoring breakdown:

51% Creativity
49% Retweets/Facebook Shares

Disclaimer: tickets will be non transferable and the winners name will be put on the will call list at the venue.  An alternate name will be drawn in advance.  If the winner is unable to attend the alternate will receive the tickets.  All expensse of going to the show, including travel, transportation, and housing is the responsibility of the winner and not included in the ticket give sorry