Monday, March 26, 2012

Tomorrowlands...Trouble In Ticket Paradise

The Belgian presale sold out with massive difficulties.

Saturday started the Belgian ticket sale of Tomorrowland 2012. Unfortunately it went less smoothly than expected, despite the months of preparation and extra precautions taken. As a result, fans were forced into a ticket drama frustration for our visitors, but also for the festival organization.

The official ticket sale started at 11:00 and 250,000 people signed up at the same time. An unforeseen high number of guests trying to login in at the same time, caused an interruption of the system of ID&T ticket provider Timoco. Everyone was forced to wait longer than expected in the online "waiting rooms". Throughout the day the waiting rooms remained filled and the servers had troubles handling all the requests. All measures were taken to sell in short notice the 40 % of tickets reserved exclusively for the Belgian market but id&t's ticket provider was clearly not prepared for such a high number of requests despite all guarantees asked for by the organization.

ID&T wishes to apologize to all visitors having to wait too long while ordering their ticket.. This day was specially organized for the Belgian guests, to ensure that they could buy a ticket but this has taken longer than expected. ID&T will request new guarantees from the ticket partner to ensure a faster and smoother ticket sale on the 7th of April.

Below a response of the ticket partner Timoco:

"Dear Tomorrowland visitor,

We wish to inform you that TImoco had difficulties handling the request despite all measures taken. The organization of Tomorrowland did warned us about a possible massive online demand of tickets and asked us to provide us a service that could cope with this. We guaranteed this to ID&T but we did not succeed.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience
Sincerely, The Timoco Team"