Friday, April 6, 2012

Bingo Players Review Bijou Boston - Part 1

Last Tuesday night the Bingo Players , came to Boston to showcase their talents. With only a days rest in between their Ultra Music Festival Performance and their show at Bijou Boston, anything was possible to happen at their gig.

We sat down with the members of the Bingo Players, Marteen and Paul, and got the chance to ask them questions about their ultra weekend. They were very open and even went through their Ultra set with us. They talked about their new track id’s they played at Ultra ,and what fans have to look forward to from the group. It was very interesting to hear what the Bingo players had to say about the EDM movement and where they thought it was going.

When we asked the Bingo Players about how they would play their set in Bijou’s intimate environment, Marteen said he was looking forward to going a lot “deeper” with a smaller crowd. If you haven’t been to Bijou, the room hosts 350 people, in what looks like a mini arena. The VIP couches are filled with people standing and dancing on the perimeter and the dance floor is in between the couches. It’s a spacious area that leads right into the very front of the stage. Fans in the front can easily reach up and give the talent a high five or simply lock eyes. No other venue in Boston offers the closeness that Bijou Does. Having the crowd so close is what allows the artists to go “deep” with the fans.

The Bingo players took clear advantage of this, not only musically. But also grabbing fans iphones and taking pictures of themselves, or recording there performance on stage. Paul and Marteen played a set consisting of….

(Raw video from the concert is intended to show you what the artist is like in their element and provide completely unfiltered access.)

***Tune in tomorrow for the remaining portion of the review***