Friday, April 20, 2012

Tiesto & Showtek – Hell Yeah!

Sometimes we have so much new music coming at us that even the most noticeable new tracks get missed. Never fear, EDMBoston will always keep you up to date as we make the best and worst discoveries.

'Hell Yeah" is new track out of Tiesto's camp. He collaborated with Showtek to make this new monster. If you remember the Showtek brothers, Wouter and Sjoerd Janssen, were the co-production minds behind Tiesto’s ‘Maximal Crazy‘. They are clearly very talented.

"Hell yea" was featured in the last part of Tiestos UMF set, after "Maximal Crazy'. This is supposedly the final version and is expected to be released after Tiesto's forthcoming album Club Life Miami Volume 2, scheduled on April 24.