Thursday, May 3, 2012

Deadmau5 new Head case mistaken for Coffee Table

If you didn't know Joel Zimmerman (aka deadmau5) has had his Deadmau5 Head/mask technologically updated.  The new deadmau5 head will be able to produce LED light graphics.  This means cleaner cut and more precise graphics then in the past.  Definitely a fun new toy that the crowds should enjoy at their EDM shows.

At any rate, Deadmau5 was shipped a new case for the mask.  However, he believe the deadmau5 head case to be a random equipment box and set it up as a coffee table.  It wasn't until he chatted with Paul and found out what he had done.  Read the dialog below:

[5:37:39 PM] deadmau5: so ill bring the laptop so we can do anything custom
[5:37:50 PM] deadmau5: also, i need clysdale to make a case for this LED head sooner than later
[5:37:56 PM] deadmau5: coz i wouldnt check this in luggage as is
[5:38:14 PM] Paul: yeah I’ll follow up on that
[5:38:21 PM] Paul: It should have been sent to you already?
[5:38:22 PM] deadmau5: they should come over next week when im back
[5:38:24 PM] deadmau5: and measure it up
[5:38:39 PM] deadmau5: and all that… coz i got an idea of how it could be perfectly snug.
[5:38:53 PM] Paul: should have been sent to you on 6th APril
[5:39:00 PM] deadmau5: oh the case?
[5:39:01 PM] Paul: It was already done
[5:39:05 PM] deadmau5: wait
[5:39:09 PM] deadmau5: was it big and purple
[5:39:10 PM] deadmau5: ?
[5:39:25 PM] Paul: yes
[5:39:27 PM] deadmau5: AHAHAHA fuck
[5:39:33 PM] deadmau5: ive been using it as a coffe table
[5:39:35 PM] deadmau5: i was like
[5:39:36 PM] deadmau5: wtf is this
[5:39:37 PM] deadmau5: *shrug*
[5:39:39 PM] Pau: amazin