Tuesday, May 29, 2012

EDM Event Top 3 Mistakes of 1st Time Attendees

There are a lot of new people at EDM events and we love seeing the scene grow!  As any enthusiast will tell you a bigger energetic crowd is often better then an incrementally smaller crowd.  However, there are some key mistakes we noticed newbs making that prevent them from enjoying shows to their fullest extent.  We compiled a list of 3 mistakes 1st time EDM Event Attendees make.

The Top 3 Mistakes of 1st Time EDM EVENT Attendees are:

3. Expecting not to be spilled on...

Plain and simple its going to happen, its just a matter of when. Just go with it!  Getting mad is only going to ruin your time and if you decide to make a scene, everyone around you is going to suffer. Keep your energy high and dance on.  Besides, a little laundry detergent immediately when u get home should take care of any problems.

2. Put Your Phone down

As dumb as this sounds, your not there to watch the artist, you are there to enjoy the atmosphere, energy, and uniqueness that the artist brings.  During a dj's set he/she works hard to develope a unique feeling and energy in the nightclub.  If your too busy filming them or taking photos on your phone, you'll miss what your paying to see.  Besides, most nightclubs have photographers to capture all the moments.

1. Forgetting to Dance

You'd be surprised at the number of people that stand on the perimeter, sip their beverages, and don't dance.  We're not saying you need to get in the middle of the battle circle, but lay down some moves on the dance floor.  You'll feel your worries disappear and you'll enjoy the music a 1,000x more as you move to it and feel the dj change the pace, beat, and vibe.

In summary, the edm crowd is one of the most welcoming and accepting.  Get out on the dance floor and get involved.  While doing so put away your iphones/androids, expect the occational spill, and laugh at each other.  You'll have an amazing time and be back for more!

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