Thursday, May 10, 2012

EDM Pace Changer: Birds of Prey

In a world of pop house overkill, their is a growing desire for more sub genre's and individuality in EDM.  Fortunately there are so many artists in the game right now to accomodate such demand.

Artist, Birds of Prey, is providing the antithesis of mainstream with his catalog and encourages all the DJ's out their to stick with what is uniquely their own music.  He spoke in a recent interview saying

"I feel like there’s a lot of pressure to make high-power music that provides instant gratification. I’ve seen known producers going through their sets with almost none of their own music and were playing all the latest ragers because they were feeling so pressured to play what they thought people wanted to hear. I feel that we as artists can play a role in helping people formulate new ideas about what they want to hear. People will continue to want to hear the same shit if its continually shoveled into their mouths. But, if you’re contributing your own unique vision and are courageous enough to do so, I think that can help steer things in new directions."

Take a listen to more of "Birds of Prey" catalog after the jump: