Friday, May 4, 2012
What Should Opening DJ's D0???
5/04/2012 10:00:00 AM
Below Michael Walsh write about what a opening set DJ should do. Do we really care what exactly an opener should do....No. To be honest, most of the EDMBoston staff is either so wrapped up in doing pre-show interviews or interacting with people in the crowd that we hardly notice what the opening DJ has going on. No insult to their work, just what it is and that's why we hardly ever mention an opener in a review. But we tip our hats cuz its a thankless job.
The reason we posted the article is we wanted to hear what our followers had to say. What do you want to hear the opener doing? Tell us on our social media. Facebook Twitter
( a rule before any gig you should find out who is playing before and after you and always show up at least 1 hour early before your set. This not only enables you to feel the vibe of the room but make sure you do not repeat any tracks that the previous dj has played. Since you have an idea of what the dj is playing before you, pick a great track to transition and leave the next dj with a great starting place. Again, you will know what that dj will be playing so you can choose something that will be easy for them to flow into. This is just common respect for the crowd and the next dj. If you play an earlier set, make sure you play a set that is groovy and does not try and rinse the energy out of the room, especially when there is a headliner on after you. The key to a good dj is knowing how to pace the energy of the night. I guarantee you will get way more compliments if you play appropriately to your time slot. The one mistake I see up and coming dj’s do that is never cool is to bang the shit out of it before the headliner goes on—as if to impress that next dj. That is not cool. If you really want to impress the next dj and the crowd, play appropriately and sexy and let the night have a nice build. If you are in a headlining position, go crazy! Again though, make sure you leave the next dj with something they can flow out of. Lastly, be respectful of the space you are working in. Most booths are small so have consideration for where the next dj will be putting their gear. You can start moving your stuff a bit towards the last couple tracks in your set so the transition can be easier for them. Oh, and never play the headliner’s new big tune in your set. I know this seems like common sense but you’d be surprised as to how many times I’ve seen this happen. - Dj Dan
Feel out the room and crowd and play something appropriate. Don’t over plan and try to stick to a pre-planned set that is not appropriate to what’s actually happening. Better yet, know what you’ve got as options to play and don’t plan at all! Don’t play banging shit to an empty dancefloor while people are still filing in and getting their drinks. It’s called the warm up slot for a reason. Know your role and fulfill it and you’ll be invited back. - Matt Shadetek
Ah the opening DJ set. To me it seems like a lost art form. Art form because it takes a special kind of DJ to handle a crowd that comes early to the club and not bore them but yet not bang it out like it’s 3am. I feel that the opening DJ’s set is as crucial as is the prime time set. In my opinion you’re actually a good opening DJ if you can rock a 10 to 1am set and not really play any major hits! And it’s not impossible! There are loads of amazing tunes that work during those early hours, you just have to put the time in and find those gems that work. – Hector Romero
All’s fair in love & DJing until somebody feels like their toes are getting stepped on. That said, there are a couple rules to abide by. Setting for an opener is akin getting the energy of a room to simmer (not boil). This is a different skill set than party rocking. You can’t drop ALL the fire right before the opener’s set, play your best bangers and then hand it over. The other rule is that you can’t let your EGO get in the way. The folks that hired you are often business people – so think long-term. You are a walking business building relationships. Don’t do the headliner’s job if you want to get more work. – Dj Ceiba
Being an opening DJ can be very tricky and it takes true skill and talent to be a good opener. You have to keep people dancing, but not too hard. You want to keep people going to the bar without clearing the floor. Playing to an empty room is also a skill. You also need to know when to pick things up as an opener. If you bore people with too much atmosphere, people might leave. As far as opening DJ etiquette goes, know what the person after you is going to play and build up to that. Also keep your levels out of the reds! If you have the mixer buried in the reds, the next DJ has no headroom and nowhere to go with their levels.Opening up a night is a great opportunity to play those mood setting musical records you wouldn’t get to play at peak time. – DJ Endo
If you were a person attending the event, what would YOU want to hear at that moment? Always keep the audience in mind because after all, neither you or the superstar DJ after you will be anywhere without them. Most of the time it’s just meeting people’s expectations, then surprising them. If it’s a Top 40 night, don’t play esoteric material, and if it’s a cutting edge party, don’t play obvious tracks the audience is sure to know. And please, please PLEASE don’t “Madison Square Garden” as I like to call it, i.e. playing the most peak hour material of the evening, as a early as possible to an unengaged, small audience without looking at them. Finally, people notice. Even if people are getting drinks or talking with their friends during your set, you can win them over if you read them well, pace yourself and have just as great of time (if not better) than they are. Honestly I love doing opening sets: less pressure and the world needs more awesome opening DJs that compliment the night. - Rx
An opening DJ should always remember the role that has been delegated to them for the night. You are opening up for another DJ. Your role is to set the tone for the headlining DJ. Often the opening DJ will try to outdo the headliner by playing strong cuts way too early in the night, and trying to get peak hour crowd responses. A good opening DJ will always remember their role he is playing within the night, and will not try to do that. The opening DJ should also be compatible to the headliner, and know his stye of DJing as well. -Mike Huckaby
Get set up right away–make sure everything is working smoothly before you get a drink. If it’s a paying gig, find out who’s paying you, how they’re paying you, and at what point in the evening you can expect to be paid. It might be up-front, or you might have to wait around until 4AM. Know this in advance. Go to the bathroom before your set starts. There’s nothing worse for the headliner than DJing in a puddle of urine left behind by the opener. Know the music that you’ll be playing. Don’t try to make a bold statement just yet, especially if nobody is listening. Make sure before you start your set, that you know when you are on and off. If the following DJ is there, work out with him/her how the transitions should happen (both musically and technically) . Bring extra music to play in case the later DJ is a no-show or starts late. Be conscious of your place and function in the movement of the evening and know your role–whether it is to provide background music, to warm up the crowd, to create a context for the music that the later DJ(s) will be playing. - MartÃn Perna
I agree with everything everyone has said BUT I still think it’s important for you as an opening DJ to try to stand out and make your mark on the night. If you don’t turn heads with your set, what was the point? Respect of the headliner is great, but ultimately you want more work, which comes through fans and the promoters remembering who you are after your set. Here are a few little suggestions to get into people’s heads:
1. Talk on the mic and say your name throughout your set. I call this “Castanza-ing” (shouts to people who get my specific Seinfeld reference).
2. Drop surprising songs WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE NIGHT. Play tracks that people will go “ohhhhh” too, but only within the style of the night and your role of the opener as described by everyone else. These can be throwback songs, silly songs, or songs that seem like they don’t belong in dj sets.
3. Make little flashy routines (that work within the context of the night as already described).
In short, stand out, but do so appropriately! - Dj Shiftee