Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The definitive word which all ravers and househeads live by is without a doubt, PLUR.  You hear about PLUR in conversations, you read it on twitter & facebook, and people certainly aren't afraid to tell you when you are violating the PLUR credo.  With the surge in EDM popularity, there are a lot of new people  to the scene that are curious "What is PLUR"?  Here we will set out to inform you.

There are 4 pillars of PLUR, which make up the acronym P.L.U.R.:  Peace, Love Unity, Respect.

These four words go far beyond their names and have helped cultivate one of the friendliest, exciting, and fun groups of music enthusiasts.


The calmness and tranquility that runs through your body when your deep into a track's beat or spiritual vocal.  You forget all your troubles and are just lost in the music.  Don't let anyone break that moment even if they bump into you or worse spill on you.  Maintain your serenity...shit happens, you deal with it and move on.


Love thyself, love the music, love the atmosphere, and love thy neighbor.  All things that come to mind about love at a show.  Love is the unconditional appreciation you have for something or someone.  For any EDM fan that is the music.  You may not know the track but you show appreciation for the creativity and artistry behind the beat.  Peace releases ones self to reach unconditional love.  That feeling of not being worried about what other people think but just going with the beat and enjoying yourself and loving the moment. loving PLUR


Coming together on the dance floor is what you first think of unity.  However, before you can do that you must have peace and love in order to reach out to unify.  Unity follows when you can look to the person next to you and appreciate them, and support their good time, even if they look like a bunch of nerds or weirdos.  Most likely they are just looking to share their passion about the music.  When your at a show its not just about yourself its about the collective of people coming together to dance to the music.  A sense of something "bigger" than just yourself and your own pleasure is part of unity -- in the case of us on the list the "bigger" thing is an interest in the odd social phenomena known as "raving."  Unity and coming together for PLUR is what helps a rave be a rave...the spirit of greater unity, that brings chills.


What oh so many nightclubs clientele or that newb that pushes and pulls their way to the front row lack!  For whatever reason the Boston scene always has trouble when it comes to respect, cambridge is better but not much. Everyone is worried about being disrespected which we believe is one of the terrible carry over effects of the hip-hop movement.  Respect is things like letting people around you groove to the current dj despite you not liking it, it means saying sorry if you do something wrong, it means not pointing and laughing at people, it means embracing the atmosphere, it means picking up your trash and not throwing it on the floor, it means treating ladies on the dancefloor not like a creep. The list goes on.  It is an important pillar to PLUR because it allows the 4 other pillars to stand strong and without it PLUR would collapse.

Kandi & PLUR 

Bead bracelets more familiarly known as Kandi or Candi have also been closely linked with PLUR.  The sharing of kandi establishes PLUR between people and a fun way to meet other partyers at events.  Kandi can be as creative as you want it to be and some pieces are really cool art.

The exchange of Kandi bracelets is a process dedicated to PLUR and possibly one of the funnest ways to connect with new people at a show.  When exchanging Kandi a series of hand gestures are made to symbolize the pillars of "PLUR".  First the two exchangers make two-finger peace sign connected each other peace fingers symbolizing "Peace". Love is then signified by both parties forming a heart after making the connected peace signs.  The heart is formed by each person making a half with their hand and connecting them to make a whole heart. Unity is signified by the touching of open palms. Respect is signified by the clasping of upright hands. Once the hands are interlocked the Kandi bracelets are then passed from one persons arm over the clasped hands, without breaking contact. Shit is deep and really fun.  Making your own kandi for shows and bringing it to exchange is a great way to make a lot of new friends.  FOr those that were thinking kandi represents drugs you've shared are dead wrong!  Its all about the PLUR! 

When at a show or festival next time try to generate and emite as much PLUR as possible, you'll be surprised at how much better of a time you'll have and all the new non creepy friends you meet!  PLUR is something you aren't just given, its given in return for positive PLUR.

Click HERE To Find Local Boston EDM Events TO GET YOUR PLUR ON

For more history on PLUR read Frankie Bones story here