Thursday, July 12, 2012

Daft Punk Rumors Fake, No "Renoma Street"

We've been following the Daft Punk Rumors the last two weeks and actively chose not to blog them. The reason being is that the duo is so secretive, there was no way they were going to let some french magazine drop the exclusive on their new material. More then that, 99% of information surrounding daft punk rumors is always false and only gains traction because of the hype that follows so closely to the mega duo.

The French Magaine 'Tsugi' made an official statement to confirm Daft Punk Rumors Fake

“A pure creation, making fun of all the madness surrounding ...every (mainly false) news concerning the two robots."

Be patient my friends, official word will be here sooner then you think about Daft Punk official new releases. We think at most a year but no more.

source: Techibeats