Tuesday, August 14, 2012

David Guetta Responds to Getting Caught Fake DJing

Yesterday EDMBoston reported an article that accused David Guetta Caught Faking his DJ set at Tomorrowland.  We were suspicious as to what actually happened because in various spots in the video you can see the mixer levels both up and down.  A lot of people and websites jumped the gun and quickly cried David Guettas a fraud.  But not so fast!

David Guetta's camp has broken it's silence and his rep, Sander Landsaat, has responded on a story from Mixmag. “This is total bullshit,” Landsaat’s response begins. “David played every track and mixed them on the spot LIVE! Why would I say this? I was in the DJ booth with him. [I’m] saying this just to illustrate that I was witness."

“The reason why all faders were down as claimed is because there was a power outage and a moment of silence for a good 10 mins if I remember correctly, could have even been longer. If this happens and the power comes back on you don’t want the music to start playing again where it left off or at a later point in the track abruptly, because that would also create ammo for all those critics and negative people out there. This is a question of editing out the moment of silence out of the video footage, nothing else.”

Seeing as EDMBoston wasn't at Tomorrowlands we can't validate the power outage.  However, it seems like a pretty legitimate reason.

until next time guetta haters :)

source: ininmix