Thursday, August 2, 2012

Techno Dave Evicted from Home

How load do you have to play the music to royally piss off your neighbors...1 hour? 2 hours? 1 day? 2 days???

Depending on were you live will offer you significant leeway.  However, for Techno Dave, he pushed peoples limits too far and found himself evicted.  Read the article below from Stoney Roads about Techno Dave Evicted from home

(Stoney Roads) Thought you played your music loud at home? Try living next door to ‘Techno Dave’…

It was reported on Tone Deaf via The Daily Mail that 45 year old David Lea played techno music at ear bleeding loud levels, had hundreds of visitors call in at all hours of the day, and often let his dog run wild around the apartment complex.

The longest stint for one of his impromptu raves lasted two days while on another occasion Mr Techno was heard racially abusing a female neighbour.

An emergency injunction from the council after numerous warnings saw David Lea evicted but within days returned breaking his injunction and thus ended in his arrest.

His next-door neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: ‘Since he has gone, my life has changed and I am now very happy.’

Another neighbour added: ‘It was so loud all the time. We could all hear it. We’re glad it’s finished now.’

Any horror stories of neighbours playing music too loud or getting in trouble for playing music too loud?