Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tomorrowland Reject Guetta Faking Accusations

Read the article below for Official Tomorrowland statement on David Guetta Fake DJing via the Mixmag article.

Our question is


(Mixmag)Following on from yesterday's article, which reported on David Guetta being accused of fakery at this year's Tomorrowland, the festival has released an official statement regarding what went on that night.
The people at Tomorrowland start off by talking a little bit about the Frenchman and all he has achieved over the years at the festival: "To be clear on this, David Guetta has grown together with the festival since the very beginning, and every year he has amazed the crowd with an even bigger live DJ mix and performance than the last."
Tomorrowland says that the reason for the faders appearing to be set to zero during a filmed part of Guetta's set was so...
that the fireworks and light show could sync with the music: "During the years, Tomorrowland - together with the artist - has developed an unseen high quality show. The massive fireworks display that only occurs in the very last minutes of the set need weeks of programming, so as to get everything perfectly synced in order to create an experience never seen before."
"All respect for David Guetta, one of the greatest DJ's on the planet!"
Meanwhile, artist manager and industry player Sander Landsaat has also leapt to the defence of the Frenchman, whom he describes as "a true artist and one of the best djs around in the world today".
Landsaat, who says he was in the booth during Guetta's set, posted the following riposte "The reason why all faders were down as claimed is because there was a power outage and a moment of silence for a good 10 mins if I remember correctly, could have even been longer. If this happens and the power comes back on you don't want the music to start playing again where it left off or at a later point in the track abruptly, because that would also create ammo for all those critics and negative people out there."
This is a question of editing the moment of silence out of the video footage nothing else." You can read the comment in full here.
Keep checking back here for more info and news regarding the chart-topping DJ.