Monday, August 13, 2012

Winter Music Conference 2013 Dates Announced

We all know how these things work.  Massive Festival or Conferences that are going to take place so far in to the future no one is even thinking about them.  We aren't sure when they'll take place but everyone will certainly be there.  And then oh say 8 months before the event, they announce the dates.  It's like an all out f you to the other events happening at the current time, and the future event is telling fans not to forget about them and to the current events that they are boss.

Have no fear Miami's Winter Music Conference, no one is forgetting about you!

The Miami Winter Music Conference 2013 Dates are March 15-24

It will be more than a week and a half of nonstop parties as well as panel discussions, seminars, and a trade show at the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Shows and parties will be held at venues throughout the area.

We know one thing...don't count on a seperate masquerade motel party this year.