Thursday, September 13, 2012

Classical Music of Chopin Rebirthed

Feel the vibes flowing from some tunes that have had the cobwebs blown off!  Alzie Ramsey, the artist behind breathing new light into Chopin: Prelude in D Minor Op. 28 No. 26, branches of into a creative world that has barely had its surfaced scratched.  Classical music afterall was produced by arguably some of the best musicians to ever exist.  The melodies and complex beats produced by Chopin, Bach, Mozart are all sitting in the vault waiting to be brushed up for the 21st centrury.  The question is who will make these the hot new remixes?

(Youtube) In a never done before attempt, DJ/songwriter/producer Alzie Ramsey proudly releases an additional composition to Frederic Chopin's many preludes "Chopin: Prelude in D Minor Op. 28 No. 26 (Progressive House) via Black Widow Music, LLC. The single features an excerpt of Chopin's Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 20, while the song as a whole is based on the harmonic structure of this composition. The song written, arranged and produced by Alzie and mastered by Steve Hall (Madonna, Bobby Brown, Donna Summer, The Beach Boys & Earth, Wind & Fire) represents how Chopin may have composed and remixed if he were alive today with access to modern technology.