Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kaskade Eyes New Album for Early 2013

Kaskade recently finished the Freaks of Nature tour, his "boldest career move yet" which took him to 50 cities in just 10 weeks and crowned him the first EDM artist to headline L.A.'s Staples Center.

"I'm a little crippled. I'm a little tired," says Kaskade of his post tour condition. The DJ/producer told Billboard that he somehow managed to break his foot while on the road and that he doesn't exactly remember how.

"That's how a tour is," he said. "Somewhere in there, near the end I broke my foot. I didn't think it was broken. I was just like - something's wrong with my foot. I'll be home in a month and will get it checked out."

Injuries aside, Kaskade is...
ready to get back to work. He used his first week off the road to revamp his home studio and has already started working on his new album.

"I'm hoping to have it out early next year - by March or April if I can stick to my deadlines and get it finished by the end of the year," he says. 

He confirmed that there are definitely some noteworthy collaborations planned but that it's too early to reveal them.

Kaskade recently joined Steve Aoki at an event hosted by The Recording Academy's Grammy U where he participated in a moderated Q&A geared towards an audience filled with college students in pursuit of a career in music. As far as advice for the next generation, Kaskade says he wants to stress the fact that it is possible to achieve success in the word of EDM.

"It's possible - through hard work and perseverance. You can make it happen for yourself. It's not some weird myth. I'm a real person." He also explained that the rise in popularity of electronic music makes this a very exciting time for industry hopefuls. "People's appetite for this music seems unstoppable. They just want more and more. I wish I could clone myself and be touring and writing music at the same time."

Aside from his own material, Kaskade is working with friends on a side project, called Late Night Alumni. "The music is very chill, very mellow. It's like ambient electronic stuff so it's more stuff you'd hear in a café or smaller venues."

He has no plans to tour with the project but says that vocalist, Becky Jean Williams is currently doing a stint of shows with fellow band member John Hancock.

"Becky sings the material while it's a little bit of a live set on a laptop that John plays behind her." Kaskade confirmed that there is a new Late Night Alumni album coming out, which is unnamed as of yet. "It should be out in the next couple of months or so."

He joked that there is an email going around with 30 possible album titles but that he plans to let his bandmates handle the naming process. "That's why I love being in a band. You can always pass the buck."