Monday, October 22, 2012

Sensation Sale - Offered 100 Million

Sensation Sale

It's no secret money is being thrown at the EDM industry.  EDMBoston has been reporting on it, forbes magazine has been reporting on it, and the New York Times has joined the efforts.

The latest group to be targeted is ID&T, the producers of the famed Sensation Concert tour and producers of Tomorrowland.  Inthemix is reporting that 100 million dollars was offered for the world touring Sensation franchise.  Nevertheless, ID&T kindly passed on the Sensation sale offer and we thank god!

(inthemix) "With ADE in full swing in Amsterdam, one of the founders of Dutch promoters ID&T, Duncan Stutterheim, has finally spoken about that the long swirling rumours of the sale of his company that produces Sensation, Tomorrowland and more.

Industry talk suggested Robert Sillerman, the US investor with a billion dollars to spend on EDM companies through his company SFX, was close to signing off a deal to add the Dutch company to his growing stable of events. Stutterheim has confirmed the interest at ADE. ‘We used to joke to each that we would sell the company for a hundred – a hundred thousand guilders,” he said. “Then, a few months ago, suddenly someone from America wanted to give us a hundred. A hundred million dollars. The choice was very difficult. But we didn’t do it. I think that this company can continue for another twenty years, that we may go into the world.”"