Thursday, November 15, 2012

Calvin Harris Talks Red Carpet

(CBSLocalDon’t expect to see Calvin Harris walking a red carpet anytime soon. “I hate all that stuff,” he said during an interview with 97.1 AMP Radio/Los Angeles.
Winning awards doesn’t sound like a big deal to Calvin. He’s nominated for an American Music Award along with David Guetta and Skrillex for Favorite Artist – Electronic Dance Music, but had to be reminded of his nomination.

“Awards are a very new thing to me. I hate red carpets and I hate people looking at me generally and taking pictures and stuff. I hate all that stuff.”

Calvin has run into some bad red carpet experiences before. At the MTV Video Music Awards a photographer got him confused with a similar looking actor.

“Maybe 80% of the people don’t even know who you are,” he admitted. “They say, ‘What do you do?’ You’re told to stop, and they take pictures of you, but the people taking pictures aren’t even really sure who you are.”

News and music sites used that actor’s photo for Calvin Harris stories from that point on. He joked it would be better to just use a question mark for his face.

Man does this article reek of celebrity desperation. I guess that's what happens when you hang out with Rihanna for a minute.  However, "i hate people looking at me generally". Um newflash bro your a festival DJ. Small problem with your line of work choice.