Monday, December 17, 2012

Minnesota Interview & Download | Mic'd Up

minnesota interview

Recently, we caught up with Minnesota at the Middle East and got to ask him a few questions about his tour and his newest music. Below is our interview, as well as a download for his new remix of Adventure Club.

Minnesota! Welcome to Boston! How are you doing today? I know you're on your shadow boxing tour, can you tell us a bit about that, and how that name came about?

Yeah, I've been touring with Zion I and the name is going off of their album. I'm not really sure where they got their name. We were trying to work together to come with a cool name for the tour, and I didnt really have an idea so we called it. It sounds cool and it works!

With the SnowGlobe festival around the corner, how do you approach playing festivals with a more mellow atmosphere, rather than at more mainstream events?

I feel like most of the festivals I play have a...
similar atmosphere, except for a few of the bigger ones. For my festival sets, I slam it a little bit harder, just because everyone is out there trying to party and I want to put on a good show for everyone coming out to see my set as well as people that happen to be in the crowd that aren't familiar with me. Yeah. Festival sets are definitely a different game, you've gotta go a little bit harder for those sets.

With your dubstep background, where do you see the influence of trap coming in to more music?
I feel like, well, at least a lot of the dubstep producers I know, have been really into hip hop. A lot of the producers I know are familiar with the different aspects of hip hop and are already implementing that into their tracks.
Trap-wise? I think it's dope, I definitely play a few trap songs in my set. I'm probably not going to produce any trap music in the near future, but I think it's a good thing and its taking some heat away from that heavy dubstep and that people are really liking it.

Adventure Club was in town a bit earlier this year, and I know you have a new remix of "Need Your Heart", can you tell us a bit about how you did that and how your influences were mixed into that?

Yeah, I played two shows with them in Georgia a few months ago, and just hanging out with them, theyre awesome dudes and I love their music. I hit them up to do a remix and they suggested a few songs. I chose this one because the vocals in that are beautiful. My main point with vocals is to make that the main point of the song and work everything else around that, so that everything just works well together. I feel I took it and put a bit of a more mellow spin on it, and really focused on the melodies. I'm really stoked for the turnout and It's been received pretty well.

Going off of someone you toured with in the past, how do you feel about live-instrument performances mixed into DJ sets like Big Gigantic?

Oh, I love it when it's done well like Big Gigantic does. When groups like that have great musicians, both Dominic and Jeremy are just amazing musicians, it works amazingly.
I don't plan on doing it any time in the future. My personal taste, I really like seeing the DJ and have everything be set and sound clean. So yeah, I like it when it's done right, but for me, I don't plan on doing that any time soon.

Going into a little bit more personal for you, do you have any big hobbies or interests outside of music?

Honestly, the last two years, music has been 100% hobby-wise, and obviously when I get home I love to hang out with my girlfriend, hang out with my friends, but other than that, I mostly focus on music.

Well thanks for your time, and I hope the show goes well!