Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tomorrowland USA To Be Reality!?!

tomorrowland usa

Speculation has just rolled in from the Netherlands that Tomorrowlands has its eyes set on expansion.  We have not confirmed this with our sources, but this would certainly add a nice new flavor to the summer festival scene in the states! Tomorrowland USA could be coming a lot sooner then we think!

(Demorgan.be) The Belgian dance festival Tomorrowland has a new ambition. The organizers Manu and Michael Beers want on every continent a version of their wildly popular festival setting. The brothers are currently looking for unique locations for their festival. This writes the newspaper Het Nieuwsblad.

In an interview in the weekend edition of business newspaper The time say the brothers Beers that they "weekly actual questions from around the world get to the festival to go elsewhere copying from rich Russians and Indians, to the top of the promoters and investors from Australia, the United States and South America. We're going to do it, but on our terms, and only in places where we feel at home. " Because the brothers the strings of the festival held to account, are within their company ID & T already ten new workers adopted. "It is a huge challenge." A second festival, in Belgium at its ninth edition, provides annually to 180,000 visitors. A number of tickets were only sold in Belgium. Last year was the demand for tickets from abroad so large that 2 million people were ready to their computer at the start of the presale. The festival had no more than a second to the remaining 100,000 tickets for non-nationals to sell. festival in recent years, showered with international awards. Thus Tomorrowland last week's best big festival in Europe crowned. But to sell the brothers think not."Why should we sell? It's our passion."

Read New Updates on Tomorrowland/TomorrowWorld.