Monday, February 25, 2013

Congorock at Gypsy Bar Boston: A Review

Rocco Rampino
By: Justin (@mistr_Q on Twitter)

Last Sunday night the temperature was below freezing and snow strewed the streets, but luckily things warmed up rather quickly once Congorock arrived at Gypsy Bar to bring the heat! Reality TV star ‘DJ’ Pauly D also happened to be in town that evening to play a show at Prime, but Gypsy was the place where the EDMBoston crew and all the true electronic music fans came to see a real DJ ‘rock’ the house. Italian born DJ Rocco Rampino, better known as Congorock kept a stampede on the dance floor all night long by boasting his raw technical talent and his seamless transitional skills.

Read more after the jump:

Rocco Rampino photo
Congorock took the crowd on a trip through the vast EDM landscape when he started off his set with some hip hop and then quickly moved into trap. His smooth transitions between tracks and genres were flawless that, at times, I didn’t even know what I was listening to; all I knew was that it was making me move. We then went on Safari with him through the Congo, when he dropped his intense track, "Ivory". He really may be the only DJ I know of that can make the sound of an elephant’s trunk appealing to the ears. 
On the positive side, I will say, Gypsy runs a tight ship on the dress code and everyone was there to impress.  The dudes were dapper and the women were wondrous, which made for a perfect contrast with the lavish surroundings.

One thing that wasn’t so appealing was Gypsy’s sound system, it could not handle the capacity of the bass Rocco Rampino flung from the speakers.  Despite this, the mainstream crowd enjoyed the mixed set and proceeded to rage on the floor.  If Gypsy were to get their sound system fixed up, I would definitely rank it within the top 3 venues in Boston.

Regardless of the sound system, Congorock kept the beats bumping, transitioning and mixing tracks like Breakdown’s "F*ckin Lose It", Showtek’s "Cannonball", and Cryogenix’s "Fire Like This (Daddy’s Groove ReBeats)". From there on he took us into a trance by mixing in W&W’s new tracks, only to snap us back out of it by dropping the absolute banger "1234" by Laidback Luke. 

Rocco Rampino CongorockToward the end of the show he dropped a  trap mix of "Dirty Talk" by Wynter Gordon, and from there on all hell broke loose. He dropped banger after banger, starting with  the "Original Don (Flosstradamus Remix)". He then finally dropped "Harlem Shake" by Bauuer, exceedingly pleasing the masses. I checked my phone and it was only 1:30AM, there was a whole half hour before the club closed. I was rather confused as to why he had dipped out that early. An inside source told me that outside of the club he said that “he had to catch a plane”.  

As a side note, I only attended Congorock’s set, but people I spoke to that night said that the opening DJ Richard Fraioli killed it and that he had the best hands they had seen in a while. His SoundCloud is definitely worth checking out if you want to hear some good house music. I’m pretty bummed I missed out on seeing him live but I will most certainly have my eye out for him the next time he comes around Boston

Keep up to date with more artists like Congorock coming to town with our calendar of events.