Monday, March 25, 2013

Excision at House of Blues - Show Review

by Kat S.

The House of Blues is still shaking after Excision and his Executioner hit the stage on Friday night. Alongside Paper Diamond, Excision put on a great show with a ton of bass.

Playing to a packed house, Paper Diamond played a great set in front of his multicolored visuals. The set consisted of great remixes and a couple of originals, including his hit “Can’t Tell Me Nothing,” that kept the crowd pumped and ready for more.

Once Excision hit the stage, though, House of Blues was blown away. With over 100,000 watts of bass and intense visuals, Excision set the scene for an intense set. Starting off, Excision was no where to be seen and instead “The Executioner” filled the stage. Using video-mapping and 3-D projector technology, animations came alive and were synced with Excision’s audio to visually stun the crowd. After “The Executioner” turned into what appeared to be a spaceship transformer like creature, lasers shot out the front and a window opened to reveal Excision, a truly epic entrance.

Catch more of the review and a video of "The Executioner" after the jump:

“The Executioner” started off strong, but ran into technical difficulties throughout the night, apparently due to the intense amount of bass that Excision was producing. Halfway through the show Excision took a break to apologize, “The bass is fucking up our video shit, but its not like we’re gonna turn the bass down.”

And he definitely didn’t. The feeling of 100,000 watts of bass running through your body is intense, and paired with great beats and drops, Excision really put together a great show. For over an hour, Excision played an array of songs, including songs off his Shambhala 2012 mix and more. When Excision went into the opening beats of “Bulls on Parade” by Rage Against the Machine, the whole crowd went crazy. But, that was nothing matched to when he dropped “Harlem Shake.”

Overall, the show was a great example of intense bass in great songs. The visuals were stellar, but would’ve been better had they been able to keep up with the bass. Plan on putting an Excision show in your calendar next time he comes to town, but make sure you bring ear plugs!

Check out more upcoming events at the House of Blues Boston on our Calendar of Events!