Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why You Should Go to EDC Over Ultra

By Justin M:

Depressed you're not going to Ultra Music Festival? Well turn your frown upside down, EDC Las Vegas is right around the corner!

Read why Vegas is the place to be after the jump:

I don't know if it’s just me, but I am getting pretty sick and tired of hearing people talk about how awesome Ultra Music Festival is going to be. Why is that? Because I AM NOT GOING! I am sure that there are a ton of people out there feeling just like me right now because only a handful of people I know (including our editor) are actually going. Yes, I know the lineup is one of the sickest that has ever been put together, yes I know its going to be hot and sunny in south Florida, and believe me, I KNOW it’s Swedish House Mafia’s final farewell show together. But please just give me a break! Save me the misery of knowing I am not going to experience that, I wish I was going but I am not. 

electric daisy carnival logoHOWEVER, I do have something to look forward to: Vegas baby! Well, the Electric Daisy Carnival to be specific. I knew I wasn’t going to have enough dough saved up by March to hit up Ultra so my buddies and I decided that we would wait a couple extra months and go to Vegas for EDC 2013!  My experience last year was mind blowing, no pun intended (as you might remember the second day of the festival was shutdown because of high winds in the desert). When I came back from 4 long days in the city of sin, the only way I could describe what happened to my friends was to have them imagine the craziest dream they ever had, times that by a thousand, and it still wouldn’t compare to the weekend I had. It’s only 107 days away and that equals out to just about 3 and a half months. So if you’re going, I suggest you start your planning NOW! Plane ticket, hotel, and start thinking of what you are going to pack. If you aren’t going already, there is still time to get tickets to this life changing festival. Pasquale Rotella and his Insomniac crew do it up right, you won’t be let down! Let me give you a few reasons why I think EDC Las Vegas is going to be just as good as Ultra if not better: 
  1. It is in Vegas! Need I say more?
  2. It is a Dusk til Dawn festival instead of the typical Afternoon to
    Night style (catching a sunrise set is one of the coolest things I have ever witnessed) 
  3. The Pool Parties! Wet Republic(MGM Grand) - Rehab(Hard Rock Hotel)- Marquee(Cosmopolitan) You may be in the middle of the desert, but it sure doesn’t feel like it when your sitting by the pool sippin' on your favorite beverage with palm trees all around you, graced with a soundtrack by best DJ’s on the planet.
edc las vegas aerial shot All that there is left to say is, don’t be depressed that you aren’t going to Miami for the Ultra Music Festival, instead start getting amped up for EDC Las Vegas 2013, you still have time to experience the biggest music festival in North America, get your tickets while they last!

In the mean time if you are stuck in the Boston area for spring break, go check out Tommy Trash’s Spring Break Bash at the Estate, Get your tickets here!