Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Deadmau5 & David Guetta Grammy's Performance

That's right, the Grammy's have inked Deadmau5 and David Guetta to perform at their famous awards show.  This is the first time Electronic Dance Artists will be used as performers at the Grammy's.  Weird right?  Well Dance Music didn't even have its own category at the Grammy's until 2003, with the introduction of the category "Best dance recording/dance field"  So yea the Grammy's are a little behind.
As evidenced by the Grammy's chief producer, "I don't know that I figured out a way to do it that felt right until now," Ehrlich said in an interview Monday. "My feeling about dance is it's such an immersive experience for the participant, that to put it on stage ... where the audience is not a part of it ... I don't know, honestly, until we came up with the idea of doing it this way, I don't know if it ever would have worked."

So lets summarize that quote, the mainstream didn't like EDM in the past, so we couldn't put it on the main stage.

But the past is the past.  EDM's cultural revolution is following the great outbreak of country music, back in the early 2000's in the US.  All it took was a few artists to change the genre's sound to a more mainstream sound.  From there, the genre went on to infect the masses.  Till today country festivals and artists are still receiving attention from the public at large.  We at EDMBoston feel, the EDM movement will play out the same way.  It appears, the Grammy's also think so to, with this nodd.