Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Infected Mushroom New Stage Setup

Instead of touring with a live band, Infected Mushroom, has decided to up the ante of their live shows, with an insane light show featuring two balls.  The balls were created by LA based production house V square Labs.  The CEO even joked when Infected Mushroom first came to them " 'Yeah, we’re gonna make you two big balls!’ But now it’s like, fuck! This show is far more complicated than our original meeting.”

Amit ‘Duvdev’ Duvdevani and Erez Eisen apparently requested a show that featured them side-by-side in spheres, hence the “big balls”. Over the 90 minute show, imagery is projected onto the spheres, creating the ‘3D projection mapping’ effect. As for the visual content, V Squared went for seemingly disparate themes that all come together into a narrative. “I was looking all over the Internet at biology websites, Wikipedia, chicken larvae, The Matrix, underwater photography, surgery on tumours, all kinds of weird stuff,” he says.

Check out the Footage after the JUMP:

This new live show follows the release of Infected Mushroom’s eighth album Army of Mushrooms, which is out through Steve Aoki’s Dim Mak empire.