Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DJ Mag Cheating DJ's to be Shamed

The controversial Top 100 DJ's poll put on by DJ Mag has been something EDMBoston has avoided talking about or reviewing this year. Why you ask? For one reason, its a popularity contest. In no way does it reflect who is the most talented producer or "DJ". What is does tell you is the marketability of each artist and the biasses of each arts and subgenre's followers.

Despite our views, the poll goes on.

This week on ebay Italy someone put up votes for DJ Mag topp 100 DJ poll for sale. It immediately drew criticism of the poll and how some DJs were cheating. DJ Mag believes the person behind the ebay stunt is the same person that attempted to post a video on how to cheat on the poll in the prior. “I view this simply as an attempt to...
discredit the poll,” said Martin Carvell, Managing Director of DJ Mag.

Martin went on to say “DJ Mag takes the issue of cheating in the Top 100 DJs poll very seriously. As the guardians of the biggest poll in dance music, we do all we can to eliminate cheating in the poll so as to make this the most authoritative snapshot of a DJ's popularity and visibility at any one time.”

Fortunately, no bids were placed on the ebay auction, so it had little impact.

Nevertheless DJ Mag has spotted voter irregularities and is investigating the matter

"By looking at the back end of the voting system, it's easy to spot who has been cheating. We are currently investigating a number of DJs with a succession of fraudulent votes, and will be making an announcement on this in due course."

DJ Mag went on to say via statement, "DJ Mag will be naming and shaming them by the end of this week"

DJ Mag Cheeting DJ's to be shamed will be announced this week and you can bet your ass EDMBoston will be delivering you the news!