Monday, August 27, 2012

Daft Punk No End Album & Tour Rumors

A lot is blowing up around daft punk the past weekend.  Clearly the super duo have almost completed the album, as we know Rodger Niles was working with the group this summer.  As far as the following flyer announcing daft punk no end album we doubt that it's A. real B. actual dates.  Store it in the daft punk rumors folder.  We believe the album will be coming in mid winter.  
As for seeing daft punk touring next summer, it appears to be a strong possibility.  EDMSnob has leaked a conversation he had with Oliver James L'eroe, which you can read below.
P.S. an article was floating around last week claiming to have exposed the Snob. doesn't this facebook picture in the fb conversation seal the deal???
(EDMSNob) Reliable sources have indicated that Daft Punk will embark upon a European Summer Festival Tour in 2013. The tour will reportedly include Roskilde Festival in Denmark,Primavera Sound in Spain, Peace and Love Festival in Sweden, Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts in the United Kingdom, and Oyafestivalen in Norway.
The information came to us from...
a prominent EDM graphic designer who we know only as “Aeriform”, who in a conversation with Icelandic celebrity photographer Oliver James L’eroe discussed the confirmation of the dates. You may remember Mr. L’eroe from this famous Lady Gaga photo shoot, as well as his work with Little Richard, Sinead O’Connor, and Yoko Ono. Mr. L’eroe appears to have been selected as a photographer for their 2013 tour. The conversation is shown here:

This would appear to coincide with reports earlier this month from American producer Nile Rodgers that he is, indeed, working with Daft Punk on a new album, and that it would be “…as good as anything I’ve ever done.” No official release date has been announced.
It is unclear at this point whether Daft Punk will be touring the United States during 2013, or if this summer tour will strictly contain European festivals. We will update this page with more information as it becomes available. We will announce any new developments on our Twitter page.
-The Snob