Monday, August 27, 2012

Deadmau5 Explains Album Title

(AMP Radio) Fans of EDM superstar Deadmau5 (known by his mom as Joel Zimmerman) will tell you that despite their hero’s penchant for big ideas and exacting perfection. He’s come up with some of the most generic album titles imaginable. His first full-length album for Ultra Records back in 2008 was coined Random Album Title. His next big album release in 2009 was For Lack of a Better Name. On September 25, Deadmau5 will drop his sixth studio album with the nameAlbum Title Goes Here. What’s the deal, Joel?

That question is pretty much what KROQ jock Stryker asked Zimmerman during a lengthy and exclusive conversation, and the answer was classic Deadmau5.

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“For whatever reason, I always get sprung with titles like on the last fucking 20 minutes,” Deadmau5 explained. “Like, ‘Dude, we’re going to print literally in an hour, so before this place closes can you please name it?’ So I’m looking at it, and it says ‘album title goes here.’ I’m like, just leave it. Just call it that. I had to put it quotes a couple of times so they knew I really meant it, and that it wasn’t just a f*ck-up. But whatever, I’ve been doing that on the last two albums for the same reasons. It’s why I have a song called ‘Right This Second,’ because someone was like ‘You have to name this song right this second!’ So I did.”

As Deadmau5 fans anxiously await September 25 to get their hands on Album Title Here, the helmeted producer will release the seriously epic video clip for “Professional Griefers,” his collaboration with Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, on August 28.