Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Embarrassing dad at EDM Festival

We saw this video earlier in the week and decided not to post it.  Now everyones kind of talking about it as its gone viral. We feel the need to clear the air.  Is this really an embarrassing dad?  what would you say on a scale from 1-5, 5 being the worst?

We'd say this dad is maybe a 3.  Dude just hanging out getting his PLUR on.  Why all the hate?  I guarantee you will see at least 25 people doing a lot weirder things this weekend at electric zoo festival.  Is it because this guy has a funny euro look complete with mustache and creepy high socks?  His son doesn't seem to mind, especially at the 0:18 mark when he goes in for the nose pick.

TWO PEAS IN A POD...plain and simple
