Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lady Gaga slams Calvin Harris

lady gaga calvin harris

(Examiner) Calvin Harris just learned that when you namedrop a big celebrity, it should be in a positive context. Calvin Harris was interviewing on BBC Breakfast when he revealed he decided not to work with Lady Gaga. Then he proceeded to slam the artist’s music and dig into her artistic creations. While Harris might have thought it was cute, Lady Gaga has hit back and hard on Monday morning. According to the entertainer she has never been in touch with him before and she doesn't appreciate his tone about her music.

“Never even emailed you Calvin Harris I guess it's hard to believe I write + produce my music. Cuz I'm a woman I don't know about EDM right?” tweeted Lady Gaga from her official Twitter account on Monday. “Seems to be trendy lately to talk s--t about ‘Lady Gaga’ when your albums/singles drop. Y'all should live off your own hustle."

Lady Gaga definitely has a point. Calvin Harris isn't the only artist who loves to compare themselves to other established entertainers. Most of the R&B world is still comparing themselves to Michael Jackson and many in the EDM community, just like Calvin Harris love to compare to Lady Gaga or Madonna.

While Calvin Harris obviously doesn't need to mention Lady Gaga for his interviews, it appears he might be insecure about how he stands in the music business and needs to compare. How does he compare to Lady Gaga? Well in record sales he has considerable catching up to do. And he needs a perfume too.