Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Steve Aoki Hospitalized for Neck Injury

steve aoki neck injury

Yesterday we reported an epic Steve Aoki stage dive fail.  We are sad to learn that that very stage dive also hospitalized the artist at the Ashford Presbyterian Community hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico over the weekend.  The hospital visit resulted from Steve's awkward landing on a trampoline set below the stage.  That awkward landing projected the artist diagonally off the trampoline and twisted his neck.

At the time the neck injury occurred, Steve Aoki was ironically wearing a T-shirt that said “Watch your neck”.

Fortunately for Steve Aoki Neck injury, he was released from the hospital the following day free of any major injury.

More pics after the JUMP

steve aoki hospitalized

steve aoki neck injury 2

steve aoki stage dive fail