Friday, April 5, 2013

Flosstradamus at Paradise: Show Review

The high-energy crowd roared at the Paradise Rock Club last Saturday night as the kings of trap, Flosstradamus, came back out onstage for what was said to be “one last song”. The hard hitting night was filled with heavy trap beats, crowd surfing, and all out mayhem throughout the Paradise, causing an absolutely amazing show. As Floss threw down on stage, it was easy too see how they were feeding off the beautiful energy of the Boston crowd packed into such a small venue. After claiming to have one more song left too play, the dynamic duo went on to play a long, 20 minute to half hour encore, finishing an already

amazing show on a great note. For their last song, Floss got on the mic and informed that crowd that last year when they came, it got so rowdy that the table with their mixer was flipped over into the crowd, and that "for this last drop", they wanted everyone to get rowdy like that once again. As the bass dropped, the duo dove off stage as the packed crowd carried them around the venue, and the beats were almost muffled by the roar of the crowd.
Read the rest of the review and watch our videos after the jump:

Long before Flosstradamus’ encore, the packed Paradise was crawling with fans from the floor to the balcony as DJ Spinz threw down some hard hitting hip-hop and trap beats, setting the mood for the rest of the night. By the time DJ Spinz finished his set up, the Paradise was boiling hot and packed with pumped fans of trap all the way to the back wall. At around 11:00, Flosstradamus took the stage filling the small venue with bright lights and strobes as the place erupted with screams. Throughout the night they threw down a bunch of their well known bangers such as “Underground Anthem”, and the bass heavy “Rollup” which also consisted of an explosion of confetti over the crowd for the first time on their tour. To keep the show interesting, Flosstradamus threw down some new songs, as well as called DJ Spinz back on stage to throw down a song together, causing the crowd to go nuts. Towards the end of the show, the small crowd was so high energy and stoked that fans were crowd surfing around the room, and girls were on shoulders as Flosstradamus thanked Boston for always having such an amazing crowd, and referring to the show as a “house party” in the club. At one point, several fans even managed to jump and rage on stage before being pushed back down into the crowd. As the show came to a close, fans left the Paradise thrilled after experiencing such an amazing, high energy set.

Once things had calmed down, I had the pleasure of joining Flosstradamus backstage and chatting with them for a few minutes. They were great guys who had nothing but amazing things to say about the Boston crowd. The duo said that this Boston show once again topped their charts for their tour, consisting of the most fun atmosphere and fans, also adding in that they were pumped to be able to crowd surf and how they haven't surfed a crowd in ages. To whoever still has their hat, you are one lucky fan. The guys said that they loved the Boston crowd, and cannot wait to come back and visit us all again. Great show, great music, great energy.