Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is Krewella Performing Too Soon After Boston Marathon Explosion?

It's been a trying week in Boston and the EDMBoston team, along with the rest of the city, have had heavy hearts due to the Boston Marathon Attack. The last thing on minds has been electronic music or whats happening outside of Boston.

Last night in Dorchester, the community remembered the lost live of 8 year old Martin Richard. He was one of three fatally injured by the ruthlessness of a crazed bomber that set target on the Boston marathon finish line. Thousands showed up to the vigil and the support was truly amazing!

Support has come far and wide from the dj community and beyond. Sporting teams showed their love and consideration by canceling games the day after the tragedy and remembering it two days proceeding in symbolic gestures. The bruins canceled their game monday. The red sox and yankees came together to embrace a clear message "united we stand".

Then there is krewella sending their own message. They will be performing in Boston at the Royale tonight. On facebook they posted:

"hi krew, it's been a really sad 24 hours for the US. no matter if you were personally affected by the tragedy in Boston or not, we can all feel the pain. our first show in Boston is still on for tomorrow night, and like we always say, music heals, so we'll be playing for anyone and everyone who's hurting. Love, prayers, and positive thoughts to all. ♥"

For sure a heartfelt message.

Despite the positive vibes, we have to question their intent as A-Trak, who was also scheduled to perform tonight, opted to cancel his show in consideration of those affected.

Is 3 days after a tragedy to soon for a party?

**UPDATE** Krewella has come out and said that they are donating half of show proceeds to charity.We have issued an apology for incorrect facts.

Support The One Fund to help victims