Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools

I have to say today was an exceptionally fun day on the blog. My team and i came together at this weeks staff meeting to develop some fantastic ideas for today. Its great to see they went over extremely well. If you didn't realize it, every article we wrote, except the Modestep piece was fictitious. Happy april fools day!

We're happy we have so many readers that interact with the site. we welcome the new people that joined today and would like to share some exciting news.

We are working on a new layout for the website. Unfortunately its not cheap to make such improvements and requires more capital then we have. In the next weeks we will be launching a fundraiser to help rebuild the site. The goals of the project are to develop a better layout of the calendar and make the overall website more user friendly. Anything that you can give to help the effort would be greatly appreciated! Stay tuned on how to support the cause.

Peace. Love. Unity. Rave,

Max and the EDMBoston team!